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Onyx Castle

Green Mermaid Keyring

Green Mermaid Keyring

Regular price $7.00 AUD
Regular price Sale price $7.00 AUD
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Our mermaid keyrings are great for adults and kids alike, they off a little colour and a good dose of fantasy and imagination. Not only do they make great keyrings they are also great for bag charms don't just need to be used on keys they make great bag charms too... Ideal for anything with a zipper too!

The mere idea of mermaids is enchanting, the heavenly voice which calls from the ocean with symbolism and meaning.  Many Mermaid stories tell of the enticing siren beautiful beaming raw sensuality & the humans who succumb to their haunting ways. Here is where we find the symbolism of the mermaid being the balance between our heart and our heads. Regardless of what we see or feel we need to think clearly in matters of love and lust. Alternatively there are times in our lives we need to step out, express our individuality and non-conformity as are the traits of the mermaid.
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